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The best time of the year has arrived! Check out your 2023 retrospective and find out which songs were your most played. Stay with us and learn how to do a Spotify retrospective.

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We are close to celebrating the best time of the year, New Year and Christmas, special dates that bring with them the feeling of remembering the main moments of the year.

So, it’s also time to look back and see what songs were on your mind during 2023.

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To this end, the Spotify app launched Retrospective 2023 on November 29th, a personalized retrospective based on the musical activities of its listeners while using the platform.

New features

This year, the app launched several new features to make up the 2023 retrospective.

The main one is that it will be possible to follow the retrospective via the web browser as well – until now, the feature was restricted to the service’s apps

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Retrospective brought new categories to make retrospectives even more personalized!

In addition to the possibility of sharing your playlists, Spotify launched “Me in 2023″, which is a kind of personality test that reveals one of the 12 personalities that best describes the listener’s streaming habits.

In addition, the application launched the my little musical world tab, which reveals to the user the places in the world that share musical habits similar to theirs.

Another incredible new feature is “Favorites”, which shows your five most listened to musical genres and best of all, they appear in sandwich format and the user can see in which months their five favorite artists of the year were most listened to.

All of these amazing categories can be viewed in the Retrospective Feed, located on the Spotify home screen.

Finally, you can access your most listened to songs of the year via Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri commands.


For podcast creators and artists, Spotify hasn’t forgotten you! The app offers an individual retrospective through Spotify for Artists and Spotify for Podcasters, allowing you to see how your fans listened to your content throughout the year.

Checking your retrospective is easy, just enter the app or access the official Spotify page on the web.

Then, log in with your account and password registered on the platform, click on the 2023 retrospective banner, which should appear on the home page.

Take advantage and view the information from your personalized retrospective and share the results with your friends on Instagram, Facebook, X (the former Twitter), Snapchat and TikTok.


Now that you know how to do a Spotify retrospective, go to App Store or the Google Play Store and download the Spotify app!

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