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Are you curious to know how to watch Formula 1 for free on your cell phone? So this post is totally for you!

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Formula 1 is the most popular motor sport in the world. It is the most advanced category in motorsport and is regulated by the International Automobile Federation. For sure virtually everyone you know has heard of Formula 1.

In this post, we’ll have tips for you to be able to watch Formula 1 competitions in the best possible way: in the palm of your hand and completely free! Pretty cool, right?

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Check out the step-by-step now and don’t miss any more races!

Step 1

Firstly, you need to download the F1 TV app (you can do it via Android, iOS or even the Web) and tap the “Subscribe” button.

Step 2

Then just choose your plan.

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Step 3

Then, you have to fill in your data, such as: first name, last name, email, password creation and confirmation of terms. Then provide the data if you want to proceed and click on “Register”.

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Step 4

Next, you need to check if the chosen package is the one you want and tap on “Buy”. After all, although the download is free, you need to sign a package to access the contents.

Step 5

Afterwards, if the purchase is made through the website, an international credit card is accepted, if made by cell phone, Google Pay is used. To proceed, click on “Continue”.

Step 6

On the other hand, you can also access the races, the εφαρμογή has a good variety of content.

Step 7

Then choose which category you want to see between the current season, archives, programs specially made for the app or documentaries.


Thus, you will be able to watch the Formula 1 race on your cell phone in a simple and practical way.
How to watch Formula 1 with the Dazn app.

That way, if you want to watch Formula1 races, the DAZN platform is also a good choice.

After all, it offers a good streaming service at a price, an application with which we can enjoy all the content available on the platform, whether live or delayed from our mobile device, be it smartphone or tablet.

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So, you can download the εφαρμογή for free through the app, but you need to select a subscription plan to use the platform.


Now that you know what to do, just go to Google Play Store ή στο App Store and download the best app for you. Surely one will stand out from the rest and you will feel free to watch the races.

We hope you enjoyed the tips and we look forward to seeing you in the next post! We have a lot of interesting content to be published. Don’t miss it!