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Free facial harmonization with this mobile app, try it now and share this incredible news with friends and family.

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Nowadays, more than ever, aesthetics have dominated our society and many people are taking care of themselves.

Therefore, giving our face a more beautiful aesthetic appearance is among our most coveted desires.

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Many surgeries and harmonizations have been done nowadays, but this is not the only method to have a pretty face.

If you want to know the app that has changed the aesthetics of many people, den här artikeln är vad du letade efter.

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Aesthetics comes from an ancient era, and despite being a little different, its main purpose was to enhance beauty.

Ancient Greece, in the Victorian Era, aesthetics were highly related to beauty, art and creativity in question.

And so, many discussed the relationship between beauty and art, and how the two went together harmoniously.

However, it was only in the 20th century that the Beautician profession emerged, with some pioneers including Helena Rubistein.

And it was in this key turn that aesthetics and beauty became consumer goods, increasing in value over time.

How important is health and well-being?

Firstly, who has never heard that our body is a machine? Well, that’s an absolute truth.

Därför, our body needs care so that it is fully functioning, at its maximum potential.

“No citizen has the right to be an amateur in matters of physical training. What a shame it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of what his body is capable of.” Socrates.

Socrates, an Athenian philosopher, already had this notion centuries ago. Our body is a temple to be taken care of.

Body and mind go hand in hand, always exercising, eating well, going to the doctor helps a lot.

Therefore, everything works perfectly when we are in harmony with ourselves with balanced health.


The technique, called mewing, was developed by British orthodontists Dr. John Mew and Dr. Mike Mew.

This is nothing more than exercises to align the jaw and make it more aesthetically beautiful and designed.

Basically it consists of leaving the tongue on the roof of the mouth, which changes the design of the jaw, leaving it defined.

Dock, there is a sequence to follow, it’s not just leaving your tongue in your mouth and waiting for a miracle haha.

See how to do Mewing:

  • Position: Rest in a comfortable place, keeping your tongue and face relaxed.
  • Lips and teeth: Close your lips, bringing your top and bottom teeth together.
  • Tongue on the roof of your mouth: Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth, keeping it flat.
  • Support: Hold the tongue in this position for 10 to 20 seconds.
  • Relaxation: Return to the starting position, relaxing your tongue.
  • Repetition: Repeat the movement, gradually increasing the time the tongue is held on the roof of the mouth.

Free facial harmonization with this mobile app!

Apps that will help you with self-care

Now that you know a little more about aesthetics and its importance in our society, it’s time to take care of yourself.

See below the apps that will help you with this self-care:

Jaw exercises

Jaw Exercises is an app from the company Simple Design Ltd., and aims to improve facial appearance.

So, for those who want a more shaped, refined, or more robust chin, this app is highly recommended.

Therefore, many people have accessed this app to improve their facial aesthetics, modeling their face.

These are exercises that have actually been proven by medicine and by specialists in this area of ​​aesthetics in general.

Therefore, there are exercises, tips and studies that will help you in the search for facial improvement naturally.


See below the benefits of this app that has helped many people completely redefine their faces.

Check it out below:

  • Exercises for double chin: Exercises scientifically proven to effectively change the jaw.
  • Jaw alignment: 30-day exercises designed to realign the chin and jaw.
  • Simple exercises: No exercise requires too much skill or effort.
  • User-friendly interface: Its interface is simple, which helps the user to find items easily.
  • Lätt att använda: The app is simple, easy to use and does not require a lot of knowledge.
  • For men and women: App developed for both sexes.
  • Training reminders and tips: You always receive reminders to train and receive tips to help you.

Jawline Exercises and Facial yoga

Jawline Exercises and Facial yoga is an application also aimed at facial aesthetics, featuring exercises.

This way, with exercises proven by science and medicine, you are safe to practice them.

Mewing is highly acclaimed nowadays, and has helped many people improve their self-esteem.

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Our face is our business card, and leaving it as you would like can greatly improve the life of the person in question.

Aesthetics and self-esteem go hand in hand, and this app helps you balance these two in a very healthy way.


So let’s go. Discover now the benefits of this app that has changed the lives of many people around the world.

Check out these benefits with us below:

  • Exercises for Women: These are movements designed exclusively for women’s faces.
  • Exercises for Men: Exercises designed according to the man’s jaw.
  • Lose facial fat: This app helps you lose facial fat and define your face
  • Skin toning: Your skin looks much younger.
  • Facial yoga: Exercises combined with facial yoga relaxation techniques.
  • Easy use: Simplified and easy use within the app.
  • Instructions: The app provides you with instructions and tutorials on how to practice the exercises.

Free facial harmonization with this mobile app!

You can download the apps through the links available below:


Villkoren och förmånerna för varje app kan variera när som helst och utan föregående meddelande – vara utvecklarnas ensamma ansvar.

To obtain up-to-date information, we recommend that you access your favorite application storeta (Google Play Butik eller App Store), och ladda ner den applikation som intresserar dig mest.