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App para pesagem de gado através de foto no celular

Апликација за вагање стоке помоћу фотографија на вашем мобилном телефону

Use the App for weighing cattle using photos on your cell phone and optimize your work and time in the best possible way. We know how difficult it can be to weigh cattle using conventional tools, and all that handling work. Currently, livestock weighing tools are difficult to handle and cause discomfort and stress to …

Repair your motorcycle with free courses on your cell phone

Поправите свој мотоцикл бесплатним курсевима на свом мобилном телефону

Repair your motorcycle with free courses on your cell phone and stop being dependent on workshops. Therefore, knowing basic mechanics today is essential, as we may not always have time available or even a reliable mechanic. Therefore, it is important that we can prepare for unforeseen events, because they will happen. So, nothing better than …