Цонтинуа апос а публицидаде..

Free: See the coloring app that made people fall in love around the world in a creative, incredible and unique way.

Цонтинуа апос а публицидаде..

You have certainly drawn or painted many drawings, whether as a child or in our adult lives.

And nowadays we have many resources besides paper and pencil to be able to create drawings and other arts.

Цонтинуа апос а публицидаде..

So, with current technology we have several ways to color drawings, create sketches and possible ideas.

If you want to access applications that will help you with your drawings, this article is what you were looking for, friend.

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Цонтинуа апос публицидаде

When did the drawings appear?

We know that drawing and colors have always been a form of communication since the prehistoric period.

Therefore, the first dated drawing is from 73 thousand years ago, was found in Јужна Африка, and belongs to the prehistoric period.

Since ancient times, human beings have expressed themselves through drawings made on cave walls.

And so, they communicated before writing. The drawings related stories, behaviors, habits and desires.

So, since always, drawing has expressed human creativity, desire, and our ambitions as human beings.

Free: See the coloring app that made people fall in love!

Drawing as a de-stress tactic

Drawing is also constantly used as a way to de-stress and relieve everyday tiredness.

Seen by many as a therapeutic tactic, where the person can express themselves and vent their feelings.

Remembering, feelings are made to be felt, so don’t hold anything back, express yourself and free yourself internally.

See the benefits of using drawing as an anti-stress and depression tool:

  • Relaxation and Stress Relief: Coloring and drawing are scientifically proven techniques for combating stress.
  • Creativity: It highly stimulates people’s creativity, presenting new ideas for life.
  • Ease of Use: Apps that are easy to use, and have simple accessibility.
  • Variety of Content: There are different types of drawings and activities to develop in the apps.
  • Digital Tools: There are many resources to be used in apps, which help with activities.
  • Social Sharing: With this app, you can share your drawings with other users.
  • Education and Development: Essential for children in their early learning phase.
  • Frequent Updates: The apps are always updated and receive many new activities, drawings and arts.
  • Additional Features: The sketchbook, for example, has additional activities such as free drawing and image corrections.

Apps for drawing and coloring

Now that you know the early history of drawings, how about unleashing your creativity and creating your own?

Below we list the best apps to use for coloring and drawing:


This application is very complete, you can create works from scratch or also have access to already finished artwork.

This way, it is possible to develop different types of drawings, and you can also color black and white arts.

With different types of tools, which will facilitate and assist you in your creations in a completely optimized way.

This application is used and recommended by several illustration professionals, and is even an award-winning app in this area.

Therefore, this app opens your horizons of ideas and helps you with the tools you need.


Below we leave the benefits that this incredible app has been offering:

  • Diversity of tools: Pencils, brushes, smudgers, rulers, various paints, markers.
  • Customizable Brushes: You can customize the size, weight, and effect of the brush.
  • Layers: In this app you can divide the drawing into layers, allowing you to work with them in isolation.
  • Ready-made artwork: The app provides ready-made artwork, just for coloring and finishing.
  • Simple interface: The sketchbook has a clean interface allowing you to work clearly.

Coloring Games: Color Painting

This application is more aimed at children, helping to stimulate and teach them colors in a fun way.

It is a highly recommended app for children aged 4 to 8 who are in their first period of learning at school.

Therefore, there are several drawings available to color, in different and fun ways that will delight them.

It is possible to color in order, using numbers, free paint, and areas to draw as well, stimulating creativity.

Access this incredible app and help your child learn to color drawings of all types in a creative and fun way.


Check out the benefits of the coloring app that has enchanted children below:

  • Fun painting: just select the colors, and tap the places you want to color.
  • Paint by number: In this mode, each gap has a number, and each color has a number. It is necessary to follow an order.
  • Free drawing: In free drawing mode, the child draws in a white area.
  • Watercolor: The app has watercolor paintings, in this mode there are tips and help for learning how to use these paints.
  • Neon paint: In the app you can also create neon drawings and art.

Paint by Number

This application is suitable for different ages, as it presents different types of drawings with different difficulties.

Therefore, you can develop different types of painting within the app, arts and also puzzles.

Unlike other apps, it works exclusively in number mode, following an order.

This way, each number represents a color, and you must fill in the drawing according to the colors that the numbers indicate.

In the puzzle it works the same way, the vacant spaces will have numbers, and you must choose the corresponding piece with the vacant space.


So let’s go! Here are the benefits of this application that will stimulate your reasoning and creativity in a unique way:

Цонтинуа апос а публицидаде..
  • Various works: This app catalogs more than 30,000 arts and puzzles.
  • Easy gameplay: The app has a simple and clean interface.
  • Creativity: This app helps stimulate your creativity in a fun way.
  • Share: You can share your artwork with other users.
  • Levels: There are different levels of painting and puzzle difficulty.

Tap Color Pro: Color by number

Tap Color Pro: Color by Number is an application that helps many people to have fun and also relax.

This way, your proposal is to alleviate the stress of everyday life with a little more color using your creativity.

Many users use the app as a way to alleviate everyday tiredness, using art as a tool.

The app works with coloring by numbers, and this helps a lot when giving colors to the designed drawings.

This also stimulates your speed of response and concentration to carry out the activities proposed in the app.


Veja abaixo os benefícios de se usar o Tap Color Pro: Cor por número:

  • Cartoon: The app has many arts to be colored, and several available are from well-known cartoons.
  • Diversity: there are many types of drawings, such as flowers, nature, animals, mandalas, etc.
  • Stimulates creativity: The app helps you get a better idea of ​​colors and where to apply them.
  • Једноставан за коришћење: The app is uncomplicated and does not present any difficulties in use.
  • De-stress: widely used to de-stress from a tiring day to day.

Free: See the coloring app that made people fall in love!

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