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Well… It is not possible to fix a car or motorcycle using exclusivelly a cell phone. But… Are you familiar with any application to fix cars with mobile phone?

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That is right! You can use a cell phone to access information that may help you troubleshoot and fix a problem with your car or motorcycle.

Můžete například použít vyhledávač k vyhledání příruček opravy nebo sledování instruktážních videí, která vám mohou pomoci identifikovat a vyřešit problém.

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Additionally, you can use a diagnostic tool that connects to your vehicle’s on-board computer system via a Bluetooth connection to your cell phone, which can help you diagnose and fix problems with your vehicle.

Je jich mnoho aplikace available that can help you keep track of car maintenance tasks and schedule service appointments.

Let’s get to know them, shall we?

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This app provides a personalized car maintenance schedule based on the make and model of your vehicle, and sends you reminders when it’s time for service.

It also keeps track of your service history and provides alerts for recalls and other important information, which is great.


It is an app that takes a deep dive into the statistical approach, with a platform full of comparative charts between the main expense categories, a map highlighting various fueling points and a flex calculator, which helps drivers choose which fuel to use.


This app helps you keep track of your car’s maintenance schedule, and sends you reminders for upcoming service tasks.

It also allows you to create a digital log of your car’s service history, and provides access to a network of trusted service providers.


The aplikace stands out by offering a dedicated section for tracking parts and procedures that are or should be performed.

Díky tomu aplikace nakonec pomůže majiteli při výběru komponentů, jako je výběr správné pneumatiky.


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This app allows you to create a customized maintenance schedule for your car, and sends you reminders when it’s time for service.

Umožňuje také sledovat spotřebu paliva a výdaje a poskytuje přístup k databázi diagnostických chybových kódů.

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There are several key things to consider when it comes to maintaining a car or motorcycle, such as regular servicing, fluids, tires, battery, brakes, lights, belts, hoses, and many other things. It is a lot to process and it is not an easy task.

If you are totally new to the subject, you’ll probably get confused. But don’t worry! By paying attention to these key maintenance items, you can help ensure that your car or motorcycle runs smoothly and safely.

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There are many other car maintenance apps available. It’s a good idea to research and compare a few different options to find the one that best fits your needs.


Teď jen jít do  Google Play obchod nebo k Obchod s aplikacemi and download the best app for you. Surely one will stand out from the rest.

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