Pokračujte v propagaci..

If you like plants, wouldn’t you think it’s amazing if there was an app to recognize plants on your cell phone? What if we told you your dream app exists?

Pokračujte v propagaci..

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With an app to recognize plants on your cell phone, vaše plants will receive much better and more targeted care.

Pokračujte v propagaci..


Seek is software available for download on both Android and iPhone (iOS) devices. The app allows you to identify plants and animals around you using your cell phone camera.

The application informs about the species of the living being and its main characteristics and curiosities.

It is possible to earn badges throughout the search for new species and also by participating in challenges.

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PlantNet is an aplikace dedicated to identifying non-ornamental or horticultural plants. A database assists in the automatic identification process of the plants that the user photographs.

The system analyzes the image and informs about which species it is. The application can be downloaded on an Android or iPhone (iOS) device.


iNaturalist is a plant identification app that has a community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists from around the world.

Application developers ensure that personal records shared by users are important information to increase the scientific database for researchers working on flora recognition.

LeafSnap Plant Identification

The LeafSnap Plant Identification application is a plant and tree identifier that promises to recognize 90% of existing species around the world.

With this, it is possible to better know the flora of different countries. The application works from a photo taken by the user and the app analyzes the image to identify which species it is.

The application promises to recognize plants, flowers, fruits and trees through artificial intelligence, which has a database to perform the analysis.

Application to learn to drive


Thus, after recognition, information is provided about the discovery category. You can use LeafSnap Plant Identification on Android and iPhone (iOS) devices.


The NatureID plant identifier is yet another option for adventurers in the world of botany.

When taking a photo of a species, the app identifies which plant it is and informs its name and a description with additional information about the essential amount of water, light and fertilizer that the plant needs to stay healthy.

The app even allows the user to set reminders that notify when the plant requires care.


Flora Incognita

The Flora Incognita application identifies the plants and also provides additional information about the species, such as toxicity, particular characteristics, where they can be found and protection status.

The app’s database has information on more than 4,800 species with more than 10,000 images, however, it only includes those located in Central Europe.

Pokračujte v propagaci..

The application also stands out for allowing the creation of lists that can be exported with information about the discovered plants.

The app also uses location to create a map of where species are located. You can download it for free from the Android and iPhone (iOS) device app stores.


Nyní, když víte, apps that recognize plants on your cell phone, run to the Google Play obchod nebo Obchod s aplikacemi and download it! You will not regret it.

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