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Satellite images are very interesting, aren’t they? Being able to look at everything from above, from a different perspective is very exciting. Did you know that there is a satellite app that shows your home and city? Yes!

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This type of application is widely used for people to locate themselves via GPS, but it can also be used for other reasons.

Applications for viewing your city via satellite can become great allies in knowing exactly how to get to a certain place you haven’t been to before, or even discovering a better route to a place you’re used to.

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So… Did this subject interest you? Without further ado, let’s get to our list, shall we?

Google Maps

Firstly, there is Google Maps. Just like practically every Google company program, Google Maps is an application used by many people. The app offers satellite images, allowing the user to see places in real time.

The app has several interesting functions, such as current traffic conditions, information about public transport, 3D map visualization and much more. Sounds petty amazing, right?

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Google Earth

The Google Earth app features satellite images of land and buildings in 3D, even allowing a 360-degree perspective in Google Street View. Who has never searched for their own house on Google, right? Literally everyone has done it.

The application relies on technology that builds images from mosaics of satellite images provided from various sources, aerial images and 3D GPS. Thus, it is even possible to see buildings in 3D.


This application, also very popular, provides complete information such as issuing alerts and traffic conditions, so that the application users themselves can contribute and feed the application with information that they have knowledge of. Waze is really popular nowadays… Everyone knows this app!


This application allows users to view various tourist attractions in cities, renowned accommodations and transport stations. Освен това те могат да разглеждат бензиностанции, ресторанти, наред с други, което е много полезно в ежедневието и дори при пътуване.


Did you know any of the apps above? No !? Well… We are here for you!

If you don’t use any of the apps mentioned above, they are totally worth installing! Now that you know a satellite app that shows your home and city, go to  App Store или Google Play Store and download one of them! Or maybe all of them? It is up tp you, my friend!

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