We are getting closer and closer to the World Cup games. Quite exciting, isn’t it? Do you know how to watch all the world cup games for free? watch all the World Cup games for free.

We know and we will tell you in this post.

We’ve already separated the best apps and ways for you and show you below how to follow the competition right from your phone or tablet!

SportTV Play

Several TV channels already have an application to follow their programming, also offering it on the internet.

The first one to watch the World Cup on Android is SporTV Play. The app will allow you to follow the schedule of the SporTV channel and watch the broadcast of matches in real time.

However, it is worth remembering that you must be a cable TV subscriber to be able to use SporTV Play.

If this is your case, just download the app and enter your cable TV operator and your access data to be able to use the app.

In addition to seeing the games in real time, the application also allows you to check recordings of the best moves of the matches.

It’s a great way to ensure that you’ll see the games even if you’re not at home when the games happen, for example.

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GoPlayer Watch TV Online

Our next suggestion on the list is the app called “GoPlayer Watch TV Online”.

This is an application that allows you to watch public TV channels, and this option will allow you to view open channels directly from your Android, allowing you to choose your favorite.

In addition, the app also allows you to access radio stations, if you like to follow matches the old-fashioned way, imagining the match through voiceover.

This is great especially for those who don’t have access to channels like SporTV, which we recommend above.

Official FIFA App

Despite not being an application specifically aimed at competition, the official FIFA app will be one of the main sources of information about the games and their main curiosities.

However, it is worth remembering that the application will not broadcast the matches in real time, showing only the information or small videos with the best moments.

News apps

Overall, regular news apps are also worth keeping an eye on.

They can be great for checking out what’s new about the world cup without having to install other such specific apps.

If you don’t want to, you don’t even need to install the news apps, you can only access the corresponding websites. This way, you don’t end up with a bunch of apps that will become useless in a short period of time.

It’s also a much better option for those who don’t have a lot of storage space on their smartphone or whose device is weaker and can’t handle so many heavy apps. Pretty interesting, right?


Podcast Apps

Another good suggestion is to use podcast apps to listen to series specialized in sports, football or professional competitions.

In this way, you can find out even if you don’t have so much time in the day to read the news and news about the cup.

It’s a great way to find out more about the event when you’re on your way to work or home, for example.


Go to Google Play Store and try it out!
We hope you enjoyed the tips on the apps and that you can watch the World Cup matches in the palm of your hand, with your smartphone.